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L’amour c’est…




Love is …


Kati: a dilemma
Domenico: of the patient
Françoise: above all respect
Vincent and Gérard: life
Roberta and Nora: an illusion
Marie-Paule: forgetting oneself, loving others more than oneself
Claudine: pain
Joseph: when you get up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror you say to yourself: « I am the luckiest man in the world! » »
Eleonora: a pathology
Samanta: essential
François: non
existent Paule-Marie: stronger than death, it is the audacity to look at the other with the heart
Gualtiero: a mockery
Andrea: very dear in Switzerland
Jean: it is wonderful when you are with the right person
Robert: que dalle
Mikele: it’s a set of illusions, emotions, sensations, chills when you love something too much
Barbara: disinterested
Nora: naivety
Pellegrino: a balance on madness
Rosi: complicated
Vanessa: the step closer to the Madness
Fatima: to infinity

…and more

the sublimation of emotions…
the highest expression of feelings…
look each other straight in the eyes and understand each other…
have a common project…
melancholy when the other is not there…
tolerance of the other’s faults…
sharing joy and pain …
the strange feeling that takes you when we are together …

Love love…

I am waiting for you…
I am waiting for your gaze which warms my heart
I am waiting for your touch which accelerates my pulsations
I am waiting for your kisses nectar of Life.

When you arrive ?

I’m here…

Paola Milazzo

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